Exigence - or - Why I Felt the Need to Create this Blog

12 August 2012.

Wow. 6th Edition is here, and I feel like it incorporated many facets of our house rules here are the Lower Register.

Go us. GW, you can have those for free.

Plz look for some updates soon as I try to figure out how my precious BA will fit in to the world of Overwatch and Random Charging distances. Gotta say, so far, I am loving the idea of 5 attacks per Death Company Marine (2 base, 2 for charging, 1 for extra weapon).

-Hax out-

Why Lower Register? Pedro and I started playing various wargames about five years ago, but found that we just didn't have time to complete standard games. We, along with our limited pool of playing partners, decided that we would become good at skirmish games that we could enjoy on a regular basis. So, over time we amassed a body of experience in Kill Team, Warmachine, Infinity, and other such games. This blog is the natural outgrowth of that experience, and our desire to share it with you all.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Modular City Terrain

These are pictures of some modular ruins that I put together.  The challenge was elevating the little platform to the normal 3" height for use as a ruin in area terrain.  I am quite please with the result.  I have got to find a better way to take photos.  Need like a backing screen or something.  Not sure the living room creates the ambiance I am seeking.

From the front:

From the back:

Force on Force, Harlies vs. Demons (sorry 'bout the focus)

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